Where is my land? It has gone.
Pain and sadness fill my heart.
No four leafed clover to be found
Nor tadpoles swimming in the pond.
Where is my home? It has gone.
Laid flat for buildings tall and high.
No gardens with their flowers bright
Nor carrots thriving in a row.
Where is my family from the nest?
All gone and scattered to the wind.
No friendly corner shops remain,
Nor parks and fields where lovers met.
Where is my country from long ago?
Blown away by winds of poverty or war.
What are we seeking in our quest?
Is all we’ve lost too large a price?
Our scientists talk of climate change
They speak of species dying fast.
No drinking water from our streams
Too late too late, we’ve done the harm.
Where is my land? It has gone.
Pain and sadness fill my heart.
That sense of place we used to have
Is burned and blurred beyond belief.
Am I a nobody with no voice?
Fenced away like everyone else.
What is power, what is wealth?
Listen to our plea – there is no Planet B.
- Rosemary. 27 July 2023