
Rob Julian - Experiences in Burma (Myanmar)

New Courses

English Civil Wars 1640-1660 (ECW) SEMESTER 1

The 18th century is known for the US war of Independence and the French Revolution. Less well appreciated is the fact that England beheaded its King and set up a Republic a century BEFORE that. It is a fascinating story that ended with the Stuart monarchy being restored after just a few years. The events of that turbulent period contain many of the elements that eventually led to monumental changes for Britain and the World. There will be three sessions and liberal use will be made of the Simon Schama [BBC] film "A History of Britain".

Leader: Dave Smith, [email protected] (232 5084 / 021 991 404)
3 fortnightly sessions, May 5th, 19th & June 2nd


Watch and discuss a wide range of films, old and new. Limit of 6 people plus coordinator.

Leader: Dave Smith [email protected] (232 5084 / 021 991 404 )
Tuesdays fortnightly @ 2pm, begins February 11th
Venue: Member's home


The world of money investment is a fast changing one. The recent change in the US Presidency may well herald a new era in world investment patterns. The firm Jardens has on several occasions provided us with speakers who will share their up to date research on the many forms of suitable money options accessible in local and world markets. This is a purely educational session and is in no way a form of advice on investing. However, it is based on some very high level business analysis that is made available to Jardens clients. Many older folk have, in the past, only invested in standard bank products like term investments when others exist that may be more lucrative as economic times ebb and flow. (The last time Jardens ran a session for us it was clear that term investments WERE indeed the best option. That may now have changed. Let's see.)

Co-ordinator: Dave Smith, [email protected] (232 5084 / 021 991 404 )
Wednesday March 19th
Venue: Tawa Union Church Lounge

Outings with Porirua U3A (OWP) RUNS ALL YEAR

Porirua U3A often organise one-off day trips to events and various places of interest, and Tawa U3A members are always welcome to join them. If you would like to be added to Bill’s contact list please enrol in the usual way so that we can then pass on your contact details to Bill.

When & Where: As advised

Leader: Bill Gebbie, [email protected] (027 677 0180)


A house Concert of Chamber Music. Jancis and Chris will be joined by friends Barbara (violin) and Jane (cello) to play Piano Trios and other Chamber music .

Co-ordinator: Jancis Potter, [email protected] (232 3915 / 027 635 4733)
Thursday April 10th 10am.
Venue: Member's home

Presidency of Harry Truman (PHT) SEMESTER ONE

Truman was an obscure politician from Missouri. Nobody thought for a moment he would ever be president of the USA. The great FDR chose him as Vice President in 1944 but had hardly ever met him. FDR had no plans for dying but he did just that three months after being inaugurated for the fourth time. That left Truman faced with the task of pulling together the post-war world with no high-level experience whatsoever. He had not even been told about the atomic bomb - but he was the man who later ordered that it be used on Japan. Later there was the Cold War, The Marshall Plan, the creation of Israel, the Korean War, military desegregation, the dismissal of General MacArthur and the McCarthy hearings. Across three sessions we will examine the startlingly pressured Truman years; the commendably factual biopic film Truman that stars Gary Sinise can be shown in a separate session for those who haven’t seen it.

Co-ordinator: Dave Smith, [email protected] (232 5084 / 021 991 404)
Mondays, fortnightly @ 10.00am, begins March 3rd
Venue: Tawa Union Church Lounge


Shakespeare plays were made for acting but reading them aloud in a group is much preferable to reading them silently and alone. We will read The Tempest this semester over three sessions. There will be two further plays in Semester 2; dates for those will be announced in the mid-year supplement.

Co-ordinator: Dave Smith, [email protected] (232 5084 / 021 991 404)
Every Thursday 2pm, begins April 3rd; later dates TBA


– NB Limit of 7 people

Co-ordinator: Dave Smith, [email protected] (232 5084/ 021 991 404 )
First Thursday 10.00am till noon, begins 6th March
Venue: TBA

Shared Seminar Series

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