Please complete your personal details in the appropriate boxes. Then tick each of the courses you wish to enrol in and click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of this page. 

You become a member of U3A Tawa by informing us of your name, address, phone number(s) and email address (if you have one) and by paying the annual subscription.  You can cease being a member either by asking us to remove your name from our list or by not paying the subscription before May each year.

To enrol in courses, please fill in the form below.

First name
Last name
Mobile phone

It is essential to complete the next question before your Enrolment is accepted.

Do you want a booklet delivered to you each December? This will cost $5.00 more in your subscription.*
Yes .(Remember to pay $5 more)
No (I will use this Website for all latest information and to print courses info)

Cost and payment details are on the "Contact Us" page

Address (required for Booklet)
 Art Group [ART] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday 10.00am till noon, continues from July 4th - Tawa Community Centre
 Books1 [BK1] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Monday of the month at 10am, continues from July 8th - Member's home
 Books2 [BK2] RUNS ALL YEAR (THIS COURSE IS FULL) - 4th Monday of the month at 10am, continues from July 22nd - Member's home
 Botany [BOT] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Monday of the month at 9:30am, continues from July 8th - Meet at Davies Street/Luckie Street car-park, Tawa
 Choir [CHR] (U3A Singers) RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Monday at 1:15pm, continues from August 19th - Tawa Union Church
 Computer Chatter [CMP] RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Thursday of the month at 10am, continues from July 25th - Tawa Union Church Lounge from April
 Cryptic Crosswords (CRS) RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm, continues from - Tawa Union Church
 Current Affairs [CAF] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Wednesday of the month at 10am, continues from July 3rd. NB - October 2nd session will be held in the Tawa Union Church lounge - Emmaus Centre
 Discussion Group [DIS] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am, continues from July 10th - Member's home
 English Civil Wars 1640-1660 (ECW) DEFERRED UNTIL 2025
 Flax Weaving (FLW) 4 SESSIONS - COMPLETED - Weekly on four consecutive Tuesday mornings, 10.00am - noon, starts February 6th (TBC) - Member's home
 Garden Group [GGP]
 Health Issues [HLT] FOUR SESSIONS - Tuesdays at 10.30am. August 6th & October 8th (TBC) - Tawa Union Church
 Keep-fit Classes [KFT] RUNS ALL YEAR - Revolve Fitness, Tawa Mall
 Knitting Together [KNT] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Tuesday of the month at 2.00-3:30 pm, continues from July 2nd - Members' homes
 Literature (LIT) SEMESTER 2 - Two consecutive Wednesdays @ 1.30pm. August 28th & September 4th - Tawa Library
 Meccano [MEC] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd and 4th Mondays from 9.30 – 11.30am, continues from July 8th - Member's home
 Movie Group [MOV] RUNS ALL YEAR - 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am, continues from July 17th - Lighthouse Cinema, Pauatahanui
 Music Performance Group [MPG] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Thursday of the month at 2.00pm, continues from July 4th - Tawa Union Church
 New Books in the Library [NBL] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Thursday of the month at 10am, continues from July 11th - Tawa Library
 Outings with Porirua U3A (OWP) 2ND SEMESTER ONLY
 Petanque [PET] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 10am - 12pm, continues from July 5th - Aotea Lagoon
 Philosophy (PHI) 1st HALF ONLY - COMPLETED - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am, starts February 14th - Tawa Union Church
 Piano Recital [PNO] ONE EVENT EACH SEMESTER - Tuesdays July 16th & November 12th, 10.00 - 12noon - Member's home
 Play-Reading [PLR] RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Wednesday of the month at 11.00am, continues from July 24th - Tawa Union Church
 Presidency of Harry Truman (PHT) 4 SESSIONS - DEFERRED UNTIL 2025
 Quiz [QUZ] FOUR SESSIONS - Tuesday October 22nd at 1.30pm - Tawa Union Church Hall
 Ramblers [RBS] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 10am, continues from July 4th - Meet at Davies Street/Luckie Street car-park
 Reading Shakespeare (RSH) RUNS ALL YEAR - DEFERRED UNTIL 2025
 Reduce Rubbish, Reuse, Recycle (RRR) TWO SESSIONS - Wednesday August 21st @ 2.15pm - Tawa Community Centre
 Resilience (RES) SEMESTER 1 - COMPLETED - 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 10:30 am, starts February 21st - Tawa Union Church
 Science, Technology & Us (SCI) RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Wednesday of the month at 10.00am, continues from July 24th - Tawa Union Church Hall
 Scrabble (jointly with Mana U3A) PLEASE DO NOT ENROL ONLINE - Fortnightly on Friday mornings at 10.00am, continues from July 5th - Members' homes
 Scrap-Booking / Cards [SCB] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 10.00am to noon, continues from July 5th - Tawa Community Centre
 Spiritual Discussions (SPD) RUNS ALL YEAR - 3rd Tuesday of the [email protected], continues from July 16th - Member's home
 Table Tennis [TTN] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 9:30am, continues from July 4th - Tawa Community Centre Hall
 Tai Chi [TCM] Jointly with Mana U3A - Every Friday, 10 - 11am, continues from July 5th - Tawa Union Church Hall
 Tawa Hikers (TWH) RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 9.00am for a 9.15am departure - Tawa Rugby Club, Lyndhurst Road
 Tawa History [TWH] ONE SESSION EACH SEMESTER - Monday October 7th @ 10.00am - Tawa Union Church Lounge
 Tawa- Linden Walkers [TLW] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Tuesday at 9:00 am, continues from July 2nd - Meet at Tawa Junction, Wellington Beds end of car park
 Theatre Visits [THV] RUNS ALL YEAR - Monthly, to be advised - Various
 Travel Adventures [TRA] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Friday of the month at 10am, continues from July 12th - Emmaus Centre
 Ukulele Strum [UKU] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 1.00 to 2.30pm, continues from July 5th - Tawa Community Centre
 Wine Appreciation (WIN) 6 SESSIONS - CANCELLED - Thursdays, fortnightly, (dates TBA) - Member's home
 Write It! (WIT) RUNS ALL YEAR - Tuesdays fortnightly @ 1.00pm, continues from July 2nd - Tawa Community Centre, Boardroom entrance
First name
Last name
Mobile phone

It is essential to complete the next question before your Enrolment is accepted.

Do you want a booklet delivered to you each December? This will cost $5.00 more in your subscription.*
Yes .(Remember to pay $5 more)
No (I will use this Website for all latest information and to print courses info)

Cost and payment details are on the "Contact Us" page

Address (required for Booklet)
 Art Group [ART] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday 10.00am till noon, continues from July 4th - Tawa Community Centre
 Books1 [BK1] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Monday of the month at 10am, continues from July 8th - Member's home
 Books2 [BK2] RUNS ALL YEAR (THIS COURSE IS FULL) - 4th Monday of the month at 10am, continues from July 22nd - Member's home
 Botany [BOT] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Monday of the month at 9:30am, continues from July 8th - Meet at Davies Street/Luckie Street car-park, Tawa
 Choir [CHR] (U3A Singers) RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Monday at 1:15pm, continues from August 19th - Tawa Union Church
 Computer Chatter [CMP] RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Thursday of the month at 10am, continues from July 25th - Tawa Union Church Lounge from April
 Cryptic Crosswords (CRS) RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm, continues from - Tawa Union Church
 Current Affairs [CAF] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Wednesday of the month at 10am, continues from July 3rd. NB - October 2nd session will be held in the Tawa Union Church lounge - Emmaus Centre
 Discussion Group [DIS] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am, continues from July 10th - Member's home
 English Civil Wars 1640-1660 (ECW) DEFERRED UNTIL 2025
 Flax Weaving (FLW) 4 SESSIONS - COMPLETED - Weekly on four consecutive Tuesday mornings, 10.00am - noon, starts February 6th (TBC) - Member's home
 Garden Group [GGP]
 Health Issues [HLT] FOUR SESSIONS - Tuesdays at 10.30am. August 6th & October 8th (TBC) - Tawa Union Church
 Keep-fit Classes [KFT] RUNS ALL YEAR - Revolve Fitness, Tawa Mall
 Knitting Together [KNT] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Tuesday of the month at 2.00-3:30 pm, continues from July 2nd - Members' homes
 Literature (LIT) SEMESTER 2 - Two consecutive Wednesdays @ 1.30pm. August 28th & September 4th - Tawa Library
 Meccano [MEC] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd and 4th Mondays from 9.30 – 11.30am, continues from July 8th - Member's home
 Movie Group [MOV] RUNS ALL YEAR - 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am, continues from July 17th - Lighthouse Cinema, Pauatahanui
 Music Performance Group [MPG] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Thursday of the month at 2.00pm, continues from July 4th - Tawa Union Church
 New Books in the Library [NBL] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Thursday of the month at 10am, continues from July 11th - Tawa Library
 Outings with Porirua U3A (OWP) 2ND SEMESTER ONLY
 Petanque [PET] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 10am - 12pm, continues from July 5th - Aotea Lagoon
 Philosophy (PHI) 1st HALF ONLY - COMPLETED - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am, starts February 14th - Tawa Union Church
 Piano Recital [PNO] ONE EVENT EACH SEMESTER - Tuesdays July 16th & November 12th, 10.00 - 12noon - Member's home
 Play-Reading [PLR] RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Wednesday of the month at 11.00am, continues from July 24th - Tawa Union Church
 Presidency of Harry Truman (PHT) 4 SESSIONS - DEFERRED UNTIL 2025
 Quiz [QUZ] FOUR SESSIONS - Tuesday October 22nd at 1.30pm - Tawa Union Church Hall
 Ramblers [RBS] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 10am, continues from July 4th - Meet at Davies Street/Luckie Street car-park
 Reading Shakespeare (RSH) RUNS ALL YEAR - DEFERRED UNTIL 2025
 Reduce Rubbish, Reuse, Recycle (RRR) TWO SESSIONS - Wednesday August 21st @ 2.15pm - Tawa Community Centre
 Resilience (RES) SEMESTER 1 - COMPLETED - 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 10:30 am, starts February 21st - Tawa Union Church
 Science, Technology & Us (SCI) RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Wednesday of the month at 10.00am, continues from July 24th - Tawa Union Church Hall
 Scrabble (jointly with Mana U3A) PLEASE DO NOT ENROL ONLINE - Fortnightly on Friday mornings at 10.00am, continues from July 5th - Members' homes
 Scrap-Booking / Cards [SCB] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 10.00am to noon, continues from July 5th - Tawa Community Centre
 Spiritual Discussions (SPD) RUNS ALL YEAR - 3rd Tuesday of the [email protected], continues from July 16th - Member's home
 Table Tennis [TTN] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 9:30am, continues from July 4th - Tawa Community Centre Hall
 Tai Chi [TCM] Jointly with Mana U3A - Every Friday, 10 - 11am, continues from July 5th - Tawa Union Church Hall
 Tawa Hikers (TWH) RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 9.00am for a 9.15am departure - Tawa Rugby Club, Lyndhurst Road
 Tawa History [TWH] ONE SESSION EACH SEMESTER - Monday October 7th @ 10.00am - Tawa Union Church Lounge
 Tawa- Linden Walkers [TLW] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Tuesday at 9:00 am, continues from July 2nd - Meet at Tawa Junction, Wellington Beds end of car park
 Theatre Visits [THV] RUNS ALL YEAR - Monthly, to be advised - Various
 Travel Adventures [TRA] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Friday of the month at 10am, continues from July 12th - Emmaus Centre
 Ukulele Strum [UKU] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 1.00 to 2.30pm, continues from July 5th - Tawa Community Centre
 Wine Appreciation (WIN) 6 SESSIONS - CANCELLED - Thursdays, fortnightly, (dates TBA) - Member's home
 Write It! (WIT) RUNS ALL YEAR - Tuesdays fortnightly @ 1.00pm, continues from July 2nd - Tawa Community Centre, Boardroom entrance
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