Art Group [ART] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday 10.00am till noon, begins January 23rd - Tawa Community Centre
Books1 [BK1] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Monday of the month at 10am, begins February 10th - Member's home
Books2 [BK2] RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Monday of the month at 10am, begins February 24th - Member's home
Botany [BOT] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Monday of the month at 9:30am, begins February 10th - Meet at Davies Street/Luckie Street car-park, Tawa
Choir [CHR] (U3A Singers) RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Monday at 1:15pm, begins February 10th - Tawa Union Church
Computer Chatter [CMP] RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Thursday of the month at 10am, begins February 27th - Tawa Union Church Lounge
Cryptic Crossword Solving (CRS) RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm, begins February 12th - Tawa Union Church
Current Affairs [CAF] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Wednesday of the month at 10am, begins February 5th - Tawa Union Church hall
Discussion Group [DIS] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am, begins February 12th - Member's home
English Civil Wars 1640-1660 (ECW) SEMESTER 1 - 3 fortnightly sessions, May 5th, 19th & June 2nd
FILMS ON DVD (FSD) RUNS ALL YEAR - Tuesdays fortnightly @ 2pm, begins February 11th - Member's home
Flax Weaving (FLW) TBA - Will be on consecutive Tuesday mornings, 10.00am - noon, start TBA - Member's home
Health Issues [HLT] FOUR SESSIONS - Tuesdays at 10.30am, March 11th, May 6th & 2 sessions in Aug & Oct (all TBC) - Tawa Union Church
Indoor Bowls [INB] - TBA - TBA
INVESTMENT (INV) ONE SESSION - Wednesday March 19th - Tawa Union Church Lounge
Keep-fit Classes [KFT] RUNS ALL YEAR - Revolve Fitness, Tawa Mall
Knitting Together [KNT] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Tuesday of the month at 2.00-3:30 pm, begins February 4th - Members' homes
Literature (LIT) SEMESTER TWO - Two consecutive Wednesdays @ 1.30pm. TBA - Tawa Library
Meccano [MEC] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd and 4th Mondays from 9.30 – 11.30am, begins February 10th - Member's home
Movie Group [MOV] RUNS ALL YEAR - 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am, begins February 19th - Lighthouse Cinema, Pauatahanui
Music Performance Group [MPG] RUNS ALL YEAR - 1st Thursday of the month at 2.00pm, begins March 6th - Tawa Union Church
New Books in the Library [NBL] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Thursday of the month at 10am, begins February 13th - Tawa Library
Outings with Porirua U3A (OWP) RUNS ALL YEAR
Petanque [PET] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 10am - 12pm, begins January 3rd 2025 - Aotea Lagoon
PIANO PLUS (PNP) - Thursday April 10th 10am. - Member's home
Piano Recital [PNO] ONE PER SEMESTER - Tuesdays, 10.00 - 12noon, March 18th & September 9th - Member's home
Play-Reading [PLR] RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Wednesday of the month at 11.00am, - Tawa Union Church (TBC)
Presidency of Harry Truman (PHT) SEMESTER ONE - Mondays, fortnightly @ 10.00am, begins March 3rd - Tawa Union Church Lounge
Quiz [QUZ] TWO SESSIONS, SEMESTER ONE - Wednesdays at 1.30pm, April 30th & June 25th - Tawa Union Church Hall
Ramblers [RBS] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 10am, begins January 30th - Meet at Davies Street/Luckie Street car-park
Reading Shakespeare (RSH) THREE SESSIONS, SEMESTER ONE - Every Thursday 2pm, begins April 3rd; later dates TBA
Reduce Rubbish, Reuse, Recycle (RRR) TWO SESSIONS - Two Wednesdays, 7th May@ 2.15pm. Also September TBA - Tawa Community Centre
Science, Technology & Us (SCI) RUNS ALL YEAR - 4th Wednesday of the month at 10.00am, begins March 26th - Tawa Union Church Hall
Scrabble (jointly with Mana U3A) RUNS ALL YEAR - Fortnightly on Friday mornings at 10.00am, begins January 17th - Tawa Community Centre
Scrap-Booking / Cards [SCB] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 10.00am to noon, begins February 7th - Tawa Community Centre
Spiritual Discussions (SPD) RUNS ALL YEAR - 3rd Tuesday of the [email protected] , begins February 18th. No April meeting - Member's home
Table Tennis [TTN] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 9:30am, began Jan 16th - Tawa Community Centre Hall
Tai Chi [TCM] Jointly with Mana U3A - Every Friday, 10 - 11am, begins February 14th - Tawa Union Church Hall
Tawa Hikers (THS) RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Thursday at 9.00am for a 9.15am departure, begins 9th January - Tawa Rugby Club, Lyndhurst Road
Tawa History [TWH] ONE SESSION PER SEMESTER - Mondays @ 10.00am, April 7th & October 6th - Tawa Union Church Lounge
Tawa- Linden Walkers [TLW] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Tuesday at 9:00 am, begins January 7th - Meet at Tawa Junction, Wellington Beds end of car park
Theatre Visits [THV] RUNS ALL YEAR - Monthly, to be advised - Various
Travel Adventures [TRA] RUNS ALL YEAR - 2nd Friday of the month at 10am, begins February 14th - Tawa Union Church Lounge
Ukulele Strum [UKU] RUNS ALL YEAR - Every Friday, 1.00 to 2.30pm, begins January 31st - Tawa Community Centre
WHAT I’M READING (WIR) RUNS ALL YEAR - First Thursday 10.00am till noon, begins 6th March - TBA
Write It! (WIT) RUNS ALL YEAR - Tuesdays fortnightly @ 1.00pm, continues from 4th February - Tawa Community Centre, Boardroom entrance